What I Need to Know for First Grade

Communication/Language Arts Skills
-Identify and name letters and letter sounds randomly 
-Write letters at random when dictated
-Read and use the sight words 
-Read basic color words and number words (1-10) 
-Write first and last name the Kindergarten way,
 first letter capital, others lower case 
 -Predict outcome of a story and retell story 
 -Know the difference between letters and words 
 -Compose a simple sentence phonetically with spaces between words 
 -Identify rhyming words 
 -Know the meaning of position words (example: in, on, between, etc.)

 Math Skills
 -Recognize basic 2 dimensional & 3 dimensional shapes 
 -One to one correspondence to 30
 -Count to 100
 -Add sums to 10 
 -Sort by size, shape, color, etc. 
 -Continue a pattern; make a pattern 
 -Compare (more, less; large, small; etc.) 
 -Use nonstandard measuring 

  Fine Motor Skills 
  -Cut on line, straight, curved, simple shapes 
  -Glue with control 
  -Color in the lines 
  -Trace a cutout shape or form 
  -Hold pencil correctly 
  -Copy from board or chart 

Personal Habits 
  -Tie shoelaces 
  -Zip, snap, or button clothing 
  -Blow nose 
  -Be responsible for belongings 
  -Be responsible for personal hygiene (bathroom habits, hand washing) 

   Work and Study Habits 
   -Sit in chair for 15-20 minutes 
   -Raise hand before speaking 
   -Sit correctly on floor (legs folded, hands and feet in own space) 
   -Listen and follow 2 to 3 step directions 
   -Work independently 
   -Complete simple activities in a timely manner 
   -Be responsible for cleanup of materials 

    Social Skills 
    -Keep hands and feet to self 
    -Share and take turns 
    -Follow class rules 
    -Take responsibility for his/her actions